Dr Dirk Stahlhut - Director

Dr Dirk Stahlhut

Director, Central and Lower North Island Manager + Registered Building Surveyor + Project Manager
Ph.D., Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Wood Technology, MNZIBS, MInstD
07 927 0765
021 269 5114
[email protected]

As a Prendos Director and Manager of our Central North Island region, Dirk combines his local knowledge with over ten years’ experience in building surveying and project management to provide sound, accurate, quality advice to clients.

After beginning his career as a trade qualified cabinetmaker, Dirk studied as a timber processing engineer and went on to complete a PhD thesis in New Zealand – investigating decay fungi in leaky buildings. In 2009 he accomplished his Doctor of Philosophy at Waikato University, and joined Prendos that same year. Since then, Dirk has investigated and prepared reports into cause of building defects and conditions, provided technical expert advice in property insurance claims and timber product failures, offered remedial design recommendations and prepared commercial due diligence pre-acquisition reports.

Equipped with either tool belt or tie, Dirk is confident in both worlds. He prides himself on building longstanding relationships with a diverse range of clients, and loves the personal and technical challenges building projects throw at him, which he is known to manage impartially and with great skill.

2020  Prendos Director
2016  International Proficiency Certificate – IP402 Surveying & Sampling Strategies for Asbestos in Buildings
2015  Member of the NZ Institute of Building Surveyors
2009  Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences – Waikato University
2004  Diplom Engineer (FH) for Wood Science & Technology – University of Applied Sciences, Eberswalde, Germany
1999  Trade Certified Cabinetmaker, Muenster, Germany