The brief
The body corporate and 150 owners of the residential units placed a claim with the High Court, stating that the apartment block, which was constructed between 2002 and 2004, suffered from fundamental design and construction defects.
The solution
With support from Prendos, legal counsel and others, the owners sought compensation for the remediation costs, temporary repairs and loss of use of the units while they were remediated, as well as general damages for inconvenience. The defendants included the local council, construction company and architects.
The outcome
The High Court judgement awarded the owners in the vicinity of $25 million. The NZ Herald reported that this was the largest amount awarded to leaky building owners in New Zealand. The evidence and testimony provided by Prendos consultants was integral to the judgement that the Council and others were liable for the defects.
Following the judgement, our investigations and recommendations for Nautilus Body Corporate have resulted in an approved scope of works, a design receiving resource consent, a successful tender to a highly regarded construction company and legal recourse to assist the owners with the financial burden of owning and repairing a leaky building.
Client: Nautilus Apartments Body Corporate
Location: Auckland
Services: Building investigation, weathertightness remediation, expert witness, weathertightness design, legal representation